Many of us think of prayer as formal or daunting, yet prayer is truly simple. Prayer is talking with God. Just start talking with Him anywhere, at any time, just as if he was sitting right beside you!
Let’s get real, he already knows what is on your mind! After all, he did create you! He is your Abba, Father and deeply desires for you to seek Him and to know Him, especially through prayer.
You are His child!
God knows everything about you – every thought, fear, hurt, choice, hope, and joy. He truly longs for an intimate relationship with you.
When I wrote this poem, the words burst forth with ease, a joy I only occasionally experience. As my feelings flowed effortlessly onto the page, I felt God was writing for me. I could barely type fast enough to keep up with God’s thoughts!
May this little prayer remind you of our loving God and encourage you to talk with Him, the one source of true love, hope, and peace!

Prayer is Talking to God
Talking to God brings me peace
like the serenity of sitting by a babbling brook
the majesty of hiking in the highest mountains
Talking to God brings a smile to my face
like the warmth of a ray of sunshine
a rainbow in a cloud-filled sky
a cottontail bunny hopping through the garden
Talking to God is pure joy
like a gentle kiss
sweet and loving
Talking to God fills me with wonder
at the splendor of a flower-filled meadow
the beauty of a sunset
the skill of dolphins dancing above the sea
the vastness of His creation
the depth of His love
Talking to God creates a thankful heart
at His mercy for the sinner that I am
the grace He extends me
His countless blessings
my salvation through Jesus Christ
Talking to God brings me comfort
like the caress of my husband
the hugs of my boys
Talking to God brings hope
of following His desires
Prayer is talking to God
My Backstory–
I always pray for God to give me His words, not mine. I need a sense of God’s peace before I publish a post. Without this peace, I don’t publish. Yet sometimes I am my own stumbling block as my perfectionist ways get the better of me. Can any of you relate to that less than helpful trait?
In this case, I set this blog post on the “virtual shelf” which sometimes leads to time passing, procrastination, and many re-writes. Attempting to honor God and being a vessel through which He accomplishes His purposes, is my deep desire yet I too often make it more of a daunting responsibility than necessary.
A great many months later, after an insightful sermon on prayer by Watermark Community Church staff member *Jonathan Pokluda, (now Lead Pastor of Harris Creek Church in Waco,TX) , I searched my posts. Joyfully I found my rough draft.
Upon review and prayer, I added 2 verses, notes & backstory to finally publish what you have read above.
I was talking with God and listening to His will!!
FYI- *Later that year (2018) Jonathan Pokluda published his first book, Welcome to Adulting. (It may have been the first book our then 20-year-old son really read. (oops, did just throw him under the bus)

Bible Verses on Prayer:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:4-7
But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.”–Psalm 31:14
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. -Colossians 4:2
To God be the glory! – Julie
(Updated in March 2020 from December 2018)
NOTES about “Prayer”
I have seen Prayer referred to as talking to God and also as talking with God. I wanted to know a bit more about what the Bible says in relation to this question so I did a quick research of the topic to understand the issue better.
Thomas L. Constable, Th.D. in his Book on prayer, Talking to God: What the Bible Teaches about Prayer states “there is no verse in the Bible that give us a definition of prayer per se. Consequently, we must discover what it is by examining the prayers and references to prayer in the Bible if we want a biblical definition.
Essentially prayer is talking to God.“
He further writes “moreover the Bible limits prayer to human speech Godward.” and he writes “Furthermore the work always refers to our words to God. His words to us are something other than prayer: revelation, answer, response, etc.”
He also explains that several different Hebrew and Greek words, (OT and NT) …translate to “prayer” in our English versions.
“They refer to general or specific types of speech directed to God. Generally “prayer” refers to any and every expression of our thoughts and feelings to God, audible or inaudible. Specifically, the word refers to petitions or requests of God (James 5:13-18).
We find both uses of the word in Scripture.”
Dr. Constable writes “we can divide all prayers into 2 groups. “We ask God for something for ourselves or for others (“intercessory”) or “We tell Him something.” These can be questions of God or statements to God.
To read more on this topic click here
My Inaugural Blog Post and God’s Timing -Feb. 20th a Pivotal Date in My Life
Personal Relationship with God
The Aaronic Blessing: Numbers 6:24-26
FYI– This post is a re-write and update of the original July 2013 post.
Thomas L. Constable, Th.D. is a professor at Dallas Theologic Seminary
Are you uneasy with Prayer? Is it difficult to know what to Pray? Learn here that praying is really easy. Read my joyful poem about Prayer and how it makes me feel when I talk to God. Nothing fancy or formal.
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