Dogs are one of God’s most magnificent creatures, yet it is a big decision to purchase a dog. My advice is to take your time and do some research. I have had 6 breeds of dogs. (listed below). It can be hard to find the right dog breed that suits your needs and personality. Below are I have included really helpful information and links so you can compare dog breeds and find the perfect puppy for you.
I have owned 3 Labrador Retrievers, a Golden Retriever (ranks #3 of all dog breeds), a Russian Wolfhound aka Borzoi, named Kika whom I adored, a Collie named Chelsea, a Sheltie/Shetland Sheepdog (ranks 24 of all dog breeds) and a Cocker Spaniel. Labs always seem to be great pets.

Did you know?
The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog breed in the United States, according to the American Kennel Club. That was news to me! It does make sense. Labs are wonderful, friendly easy going dogs. The Labrador Retriever breed ranks #1 out of 192 total dog breeds. To learn more, here is information on the Labrador Retriever Dog Breed. The top 10 most popular dog breeds are Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Golden Retrievers, French Bulldogs, Bulldogs, Beagles, Poodles, Rottweilers, Yorkshire Terriers, and German Shorthaired Pointers
Currently, we have a wonderful Labrador Retriever, named SKY. She is a gorgeous yellow lab. Her eyes are incredibly expressive. She is the most loving dog you can imagine. She literally “HUGS You”. Her personality is a joy. Just for FUN, I have featured Sky in a little photo essay below. I have tried to capture her playful spirit and beauty.
You can follow Sky on her Instagram account @skyourlab – Yes it is kind of silly, but oh so FUN!

Wonderful Dog Breeds
There are 194 Dog Breeds according to the American Kennel Club. There is no shortage of choices.
Top 3 Best Tools to Research Dog Breeds
My picks for the top 3 most useful tools to help you select your next puppy or dog. Some are more fun than helpful than others, but the questions make you think about what traits you desire in a dog.
1- AKC Dog Breed Selector Tool
2- Dog Breed Selector Quiz
3- Purina Dog Breed Selector Quiz
Which Dogs Make the Best Pets for Families?
Here is an interesting Kid Friendly Dog List
Dog Adoption Finder
Perhaps you want to adopt a dog. Here are 2 wonderful resources to learn about dog adoption and help you find your perfect pet. 1- Adoption Works | Extensive Dog Adoption Guide 2- Dog Adoption Tool to help you find your perfect dog to adopt.
Where to Get a Puppy – Advice from the Humane Society click here
Sky Our Labrador Retriever
If you are a Dog Lover, you will enjoy these precious photos. She is quite photogenic. This first set of photographs let you meet Sky as a puppy. I thought these photos were sweet. I also included a few current photos of her. Let me know what you think! I am a “wanna be” photographer.
If you are not a dog lover perhaps Sky will convince you.
And feel free to share the cuteness on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter etc.

Maybe I will have Photo Contest and feature your dog on my blog. Add a comment below if you like that idea
Selecting a Yellow Lab Puppy at the Kennel
Here are a few photos at the Kennel when we chose SKY to be our Labrador Retriever puppy.
Sky – Fully Grown

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Possible Dog Photo Contest:
I may decide to have a Cutest Dog Photo Contest. I would love your opinion and suggestions on this harebrained idea of mine.
Sign up to receive Emails. You will get my latest posts including the next Photo Essays featuring SKY. You will also find out if I decide to run the contest. Share your comments – I love hearing ideas and thoughts.
And here is a little bit about me – Meet Julie
The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog breed in the United States. SKY our Lab is gorgeous and has the most expressive eyes. She is full of personality. Featured this first Photo Essay of a new series, meet Sky as a puppy and adult | @skyourlab
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