Newest Coronavirus Data -March 20 There have been Big increases in COVID-19 cases in the last 2 days compared to prior days, see my summaries below for the United States and also Worldwide. I track the changing information for you. There are 2 great data sources. Johns Hopkins interactive map captures all COVID-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths globally. It is the most updated source. The World Health Organization (WHO) also provides a recent coronavirus global map. Please share the link to this post. I summarize the changing information once or twice per day.
If you would like data for your country, please leave a comment with your request and I will respond with the information. If my post helps 1 person, it is worth writing. (updated daily since March 12.)
Remember, the vast majority of people who contract the coronavirus will RECOVER !!
Look at those statistics, they tell the story. So try not to worry as it does not help. And please pray for those who get sick with this virus and everyone affected, be it the loss of a job, a business and so much more. Remember you can make a difference in people’s lives if you do your part to slow the spread.
Since we have no immunity to the coronavirus, by now it should be apparent that social distancing is the responsible and caring thing to do! *Let us all be a good neighbor and may compassion, common sense and let love rule the day!
Protect yourself and others by following these CDC Guidelines and the restrictions set forth by the leaders in your area! Important Reminder: Do not touch > door handles, doorknobs, elevator buttons or gas pumps with your hands. Helpful Links – CDC Latest Updates
United States – Coronavirus Case Information Summarized – Updated March 20 @ 3pm. > United States 16,018 confirmed cases. 121 people have recovered and tragically 210 have died. including Washington state 74, New York 38, California 19, Louisiana 11, Georgia 10. Florida 9, New Jersey 9, Texas 5.
Worldwide – Updated March 20 @ 3pm. 266,155 confirmed cases, 87,363 total recovered, 11,153 deaths. The most number of cases have been in China followed by Italy, Spain, Germany, Iran and the U.S.
United States Growth of COVID-19 cases from March 19-16:
From my prior update March 19 at 11:45pm CST- At that time 14,250 people had the coronavirus, 121 people recovered and there were 205 deaths. Compared to March 18, 10 pm with 9,345 cases, 106 recovered and 150 deaths. March 17 at 1pm > 5,894 cases, 17 people recovered and 97 deaths. March 16 – 4,068 confirmed coronavirus cases, including 12 total recovered and 69 deaths. (source– Johns Hopkins)
Worldwide Growth of COVID-19 cases March 19-16:
March 19, 11:45pm CST> 244,517 cases with 86,025 recovered and 10,030 deaths. March 19 at Noon there were 214,894 cases with 83,313 people that recovered and 8,732 deaths. On March 18 at 1pm there were 198,152 cases with 81,960 recovered and 7,893 deaths. March 17 at 1pm > 190,639 cases, 80,840 recovered and 7,893 death. March 16 at Noon> 175,250 cases
Click here for the live Johns Hopkins Map of Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases and here for the WHO Map with recent information.

Coronavirus Info > CDC – Center for Disease Control– Here are the links – English- CDC Main Page or Spanish- CDC Main Page
How Does Coronavirus Spread? Here is CDC answer > click these links for English Information or Spanish Information
What To Do if You are Sick – For info from the CDC click here. Isolate yourself if you start feeling sick.
CDC Reported Coronavirus Cases with Map of States
News – March 20– Trump administration limits non-essential travel between Mexico and the US.
March 19 @10 pm California’s Governor ordered its 40 million residents to stay at home except for essential activities beginning Thursday night until further notice.
FAQ’s -Frequently Asked Questions and Answers – Here are the links, click on English or Spanish includes Confirmed Cases in the United States, Testing in the U.S., Global Map, CDC in Action
Encouraging News -in China, a 100-year-old man with Alzheimer’s, hypertension and heart failure has fully recovered from the Coronavirus!
Prior NEWS March 16- Trump asks people to limit gatherings to fewer than 10 people and avoid discretionary travel … On March 15, the CDC had said we should limit gatherings to no more than 50 people. Dallas and Houston orders restaurants to be take out only and closes all bars and clubs
Testing in the US – check your local area for information –If you have symptoms – Getting tested is not easy. Call your doctor first. We all know there is a shortage of available tests (3/17/20)
“Simple Steps” –
1- Coronavirus Hand Washing instruction from the CDC click here for the details which include being diligent in Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. By following their simple steps you are protecting yourself and being a good citizen and neighbor to help slow the spread of COVID-19. To achieve the recommended 20 seconds of handwashing, Sing the Happy Birthday To You song twice, slowly, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food,
2- STOP Touching Your Face– especially eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Flu researchers conducted a study at a mall to see how often people touched a common surface and then their mouth or nose. They found that people touched their faces an average of 3.6 times per hour, and common objects an average of 3.3 times per hour. Every time you touch your mouth or nose, you transfer bacteria and viruses between your face and your hand.
3. Do not Shake Hands.
4. Limit non-essential gatherings and travel.
5. Move away from anyone sneezing or coughing.
6. Keep a safe distancing from other people
Scientists are still studying how it spreads from person to person, but from similar viruses, like the flu usually spread via cough and sneeze droplets of saliva or mucus. These droplets can fall on surfaces or people in the vicinity and can be either directly inhaled or picked up on the hands, then transferred when someone touches their face, causing infection.
Should you Use a Mask Advice varies- It will definitely help to keep You from touching your Nose or Mouth. Your hands could have come in contact with the virus.
Other Issues–
TESTING -There are not enough coronavirus tests available in the U.S. for the coronavirus. Most people will need to visit their doctor and let him or her assess your condition. Hoarding FOOD
Hoarding FOOD
There are not enough Hospital Beds in the United States to accommodate a large outbreak.
New Drive thru testing sites are opening up in many cities. Check locally in you area.
The FLU: Comparing Coronavirus to the Flu, the CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 34 million flu illnesses, 350,000 hospitalizations and 20,000 deaths from the flu.
Helpful Links – CDC Latest Updates
FAQ’s -Frequently Asked Questions and Answers – Here are the links, click on English or Spanish includes Confirmed Cases in the United States, Testing in the U.S., Global Map, CDC in Action
“Simple Steps” –
1- Coronavirus Hand Washing instruction from the CDC click here for the details which include being diligent in Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. By following their simple steps you are protecting yourself and being a good citizen and neighbor to help slow the spread of COVID-19. To achieve the recommended 20 seconds of handwashing, Sing the Happy Birthday To You song twice, slowly, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food,
2- STOP Touching Your Face– especially eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Flu researchers conducted a study at a mall to see how often people touched a common surface and then their mouth or nose. They found that people touched their faces an average of 3.6 times per hour, and common objects an average of 3.3 times per hour. Every time you touch your mouth or nose, you transfer bacteria and viruses between your face and your hand.
3. Do not Shake Hands.
4. Limit non-essential gatherings and travel.
5. Move away from anyone sneezing or coughing.
6. Keep a safe distancing from other people
Scientists are still studying how it spreads from person to person, but from similar viruses, like the flu usually spread via cough and sneeze droplets of saliva or mucus. These droplets can fall on surfaces or people in the vicinity and can be either directly inhaled or picked up on the hands, then transferred when someone touches their face, causing infection.
Should you Use a Mask Advice varies- It will definitely help to keep You from touching your Nose or Mouth. Your hands could have come in contact with the virus.
Past News for Coronavirus
March 16- Trump asks people to limit gatherings to fewer than 10 people and avoid discretionary travel … On
March 16 – United Airlines cut its flights by 50%. Click here for the story
March 15, the CDC had said we should limit gatherings to no more than 50 people. Dallas and Houston orders restaurants to be take out only and closes all bars and clubs
March 15 Iran Considered the epicenter for the outbreak in the Middle East, has a record 113 new deaths, for 724 total.
March 13 – Dallas County declares State of Emergency
March 12 Dallas, TX has set limits on public gathering to 200 people max. They recommend no gatherings of more than 10 people. In my option this is wise.
March 11 Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told a House committee today that the coronavirus will continue to get worse in the U.S.He also stated: How much worse it will get depends on two things, containing the influx of infected people coming from other countries and containing local outbreaks within the United States.
Germany– 3/10/19 “60 to 70% in Germany will become infected with #COVID19,” said Chancellor Merkel -source Twitter from
March 9 World Health Organization (WHO) Director’s Opening Remarks Media Briefing – Very interesting. “Of the four countries with the most cases, China is bringing its epidemic under control and there is now a decline in new cases being reported from the Republic of Korea.”
The PGA Tour just canceled the PLAYERS Championship and states” we have also decided to cancel all PGA TOUR events – across all of our Tours – in the coming weeks, through the Valero Texas Open.”
Disney closed all its Theme Parks
President Trump suspended all flights from Europe to the United States for 30 days | The NBA has suspended its season until further notice. | Tom Hanks and his wife have the Coronavirus.
I hope this information is helpful to you. I welcome your comments.
– Julie
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Coronavirus Pandemic Vital Facts with Breaking News and Information
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