What is Easter is a question many people ask. Why does it matter? Here are the Top 5 Christian resources to answer your questions about Easter including the topic Do your Children understand Easter?
I have also included additional websites on Why Did Jesus have to experience so much suffering and the Top 20 Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions. Enjoy this informative Easter roundup.
“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, I love you.’”-Billy Graham
Do you want to be loved with an unconditional, everlasting love? Do you want to have PEACE with God?
To know a love you have never experienced, a love beyond our abilities, read How to Receive Eternal Salvation, Say Yes to Christ.
What is Easter? Read the TOP 5 Resources that Answer this Question:
What’s So Important About Easter -Rick Warren
Rick Warren examines the three historical events that occurred the first Easter weekend: the trial of Jesus, then the death of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus.
“But these are written so you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. When you put your trust in Him, you will have life that lasts forever through His name.”– John 20:31
Do Your Children Understand Easter? -Focus on the Family
5 minute Mini-Lessons: I highly suggest downloading these easy Easter bible lessons written by Focus on the Family (click on the link above). As a parent or caregiver, we are called to teach children what the Bible says. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6
You can print out these PDF’s. They are designed to help you “give your child a greater appreciation and understanding of the purpose of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection.” This can be such a loving time with a child.
Understanding the History and Symbols of Easter – Crosswalk.com
Most Asked Questions About Easter – got questions.org
5 Answers from Billy Graham about Easter
Why Easter Matters – Tony Evans

3 Important Additional Questions Answered
Why did Jesus have to experience so much Suffering?
What is the Passion of the Christ?
Top 20 Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions
Do you know God?: read
How To Receive Eternal Salvation say YES to Christ.
Enjoy God’s Love and Peace- read:
Having a Personal Relationship with Christ
Also as we near Graduation season- Here is a list of the Top Bible Verses for Graduation
I also recommend reading the accounts of Jesus Resurrection Matthew 28 Mark 16 and Luke 24
I would love to hear from you. What resources should I include in this article? Leave a comment and please signup to receive emails.
To God be All the Glory- Julie
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