God’s Protection. My life is a story of God’s grace, protection and provision. Today I want to write of His protection. I seem to be like the proverbial “cat with 9 lives”. I have survived a plane crash, being robbed at gunpoint, flying off a sand dune cliff on a 3 wheeler and the list goes on.
Just moments ago I was traveling down a Dallas toll road on my daily jaunt to take my two precious children to school. Lots of speeding drivers, reckless maneuvering and cars traveling way too close. Today there was a consequence for those bad choices.
As I scanned ahead, I noticed a car in the distance darting too quickly into the next lane. There was not an enough space. (Perhaps he was trying to avoid a crash, I don’t know)
Brake lights went crazy.. in desperation drivers trying to evade the other vehicles!
I drive a large SUV that is really hard to stop! In a flash, deciding not to slam on the brakes fearing we would be hit from behind, I braked firmly. Every driver in front of me was trying to stop their car. It all happened so fast.
We were traveling in the far left lane. The odds of getting across 3 lanes of speeding cars during the morning rush hour is astronomical.
I looked for a safe place to go! Of course that place is always God!
Cars were still slamming on their brakes in front of me. There was no way to get our “beast” of a vehicle stopped! Thankfully I was not following close to the cars ahead of us!
I dashed into the next lane braking, steering and scanning ahead and behind. Then into the right lane.
My heart was racing, especially because the boys were with me. But I was also calm.
I had prior experience with frighteningly close calls in a car (cars crashing all around me on a highway when I was 16; a 360 spin in my car on LBJ Freeway when I was in my twenties, coasting down the Million Dollar Highway in the Colorado mountains at night having run out of gas as the top- as Yul Brenner would say etcetera, etcetera, etcetera)
Today as I maneuvered my SUV, there was no car next to me each time! The red truck, that a few moments before had been speeding near me was slowing in the shoulder lane.
Only by Gods grace and protection were my boys and I spared from being hit.
Thank you Abba Father. Once again you have spared my mortal life.
You have saved me for a reason all these many years. I have been in harms ways so many times. You continue to rescue me. I understand this is for your eternal purposes only and not because I deserve it.
May I do your Will and serve you faithfully.
I am a sinner saved by your grace. Father continue to refine me. Guide me and direct my steps.
Use me as a vessel through which You work.
As we crept by the wrecked cars and scared people checking to make sure everyone was ok we counted 8 cars crashed but no one appeared to be hurt.
I told my boys immediately that God had protected us.
Can you recognize the ways God has protected you? Think about it!
It was not my evasive driving but God at the wheel directing of our lives.
We prayed thanking God for this blessing, and more importantly for his rescue eternally through Jesus.
We prayed for the victims today that no one was seriously injured!
It was no coincidence that my 15 year old son, Alexander, who has his driving permit, experienced these events. As we drove to school today, we were discussing that it was time for him to finally begin driving to school on this tollroad- a scary proposition for us both. Gods timing was perfect. Wow!
God was at work in Alexander’s life. Before his very eyes, as if a warning from God, he witnessed an invaluable lesson on wreckless personal choice.
Whose behind the wheel driving your life? Is it working? If not you owe it to yourself to read How to Receive Eternal Salvation
“Protect me, for I am devoted to you. Save me, for I serve you and trust you. You are my God – Psalm 86:2
Click here for my preliminary post regarding the plane crash. I will write the full version of this life changing event at a later day.
To God Be All the Glory!
Thank you for reading this personal post- Julie
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